
Prof. Lajos Helyes is the president of the Doctoral School of Plant Sciences and also the president of the Doctoral and Habilitation Council. 
He is Corresponding Members of the Hungarian Academy Sciences and chairman of the Horticulture and Food Science Committee. He is Elected member of ISHS Water Supply and Irrigation International working group.

His main research areas are:
1. planning and timing of irrigation, 
2. examination of abiotic factors affecting the phytonutrients of vegetable/fruit species 

He was the first to investigate the relationship between the surface temperature of plant stands and water supply. Based on these, it was possible to optimize the time of irrigation. He authored and co-authored 129 research articles in high-impact scientific journals. He is an Associate Editor of the Horticulture Journal. In the last 5 years he was conducted more than 50 reviews in relevant scientific journals.

He had/has international relations with the following international research groups:
•    INRA- France
•    Int, Agricultural Centre Wageningen, Netherlands
•    University of Carthage, Tunisia
•    Agricultural Engineering Research Institute Giza 12311 Egypt.
•    Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute Plovdiv-Bulgaria

Research keywords:
phytonutrients, irrigation, vegetables, tomato, lycopene


Helyes L. – Lugasi A. – Pék Z. (2006): Tomato fruit quality and content depend on stage of maturity. HortScience Q1 41, (6): pp. 1400-1401. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.41.6.1400

Daood, H. G. Palotás, G. Palotás, G. Somogyi, Gy. Pék, Z. Helyes, L. (2014): Carotenoid and antioxidant content of ground paprika from indoor- cultivated traditional varieties and new hybrids of spice red peppers. Food Research International D1 65, pp. 231-237. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2014.04.048

Nemeskéri E. Molnár K. Pék Z. Helyes L. (2018): Effect of water supply on the water use-related physiological traits and yield of snap beans in dry seasons. Irrigation Science, D1 36. (3), pp.143-158. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-018-0571-2

Nemeskéri, E., Molnár, K., Rácz, Cs., Dobos, A. Cs., Helyes, L. (2019): Effect of Water Supply on Spectral Traits and Their Relationship with the Productivity of Sweet Corns. Agronomy Q1 9, 63; pp. 1-17 doi:10.3390/agronomy9020063

Nemeskéri E., Helyes L. (2019): Physiological Responses of Selected Vegetable Crop Species to Water Stress. Agronomy, Q1 9, 447; 19 p. doi:10.3390/agronomy9080447

Duah, S; Silva e Souza; Daood, H.G; Pék, Z; Neményi, A; Helyes, L. (2021): Content and response to Ɣ-irradiation before over-ripening of capsaicinoid, carotenoid, and tocopherol in new hybrids of spice chili peppers. LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Paper: 111555, D1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.111555


KTAI-AIK 2012-2014 “Basic and industrial research related to the production of raw material of plant and animal origin that meet food safety condition
We have developed tomato pomace with a high lycopene content for poultry feed. With this, we developed an egg with a high lycopene content.3-4 sentences describing the most important aspects of the project, and the project.

USOK 2009-2014 “High added value vegetables product and technology development for healthy nutrition
We carried out technology experiments with processing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, broccoli and onions. The aim of the research was a product with a high bioactive content. This is how we managed to develop a "Kenni jó" product line. This product line won an innovation grand prize.

GINOP- 2.2.1.-15- R&D competitiveness and excellence collaborations the sweet pepper and processing tomato research program of UNIVER Product Zrt.- research leader
One of the aims of the research is to increase the capsaicin content of paprika. That is why we investigated the effect of environmental factors (temperature, water supply, etc.) and other technological elements. Another focus of the research is the quantification of abiotic factors affecting the biosynthesis of lycopene.

Prof. Dr. Lajos Helyes
Institute of Horticultural Sciences
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10001553
Scopus: 56750261500