
Zsuzsanna J. Sándor is assessing new alternative protein and oil sources for aqua feeds and their effects on fish metabolism and physiology. She is performing in vivo digestibility studies and conducting nutritional trials to determine the optimal mixing ratio of these ingredients in the diets for freshwater fish. This process involves the evaluation of various factors, including production and feed utilization parameters, immune status and the function of the antioxidant system, fatty acid metabolism, and the chemical composition of fish flesh. In addition, she focuses on novel feed additives, such as immunostimulants, that play a role in protecting fish health. Throughout her research on fish nutrition, chemical, biochemical, and molecular analyses are conducted. 

Research keywords:
common carp, catfish, feed formulation, fatty acid metabolism, immunstimulants, antioxidative stress


Egessa, R., Szűcs, A., Ardó, L., Biró, J., Lengyel-Kónya, É., Banjac, V., ... & Sándor, Z. J. (2024). Dietary inclusion of insect oil: Impact on growth, nutrient utilisation, lipid metabolism, antioxidant and immune-related responses in European catfish (Silurus glanis L). Aquaculture, 592, 741213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2024.741213

Kumar, S., Sándor, Z. J., Biró, J., Gyalog, G., Sinha, A. K., & De Boeck, G. (2022). Does nutritional history impact on future performance and utilization of plant based diet in common carp?. Aquaculture, 551, 737935. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.737935

Sándor, Z. J., Biró, J., Szabó, T., Fazekas, G., Egessa, R., Kumar, S., & Csengeri, I. (2024). Impact of linseed oil supplemented plant-based diet on growth, gonadal development and reproduction success in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) through all life cycle feeding. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 309, 115892. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2024.115892

Sándor, Z. J., Révész, N., Varga, D., Tóth, F., Ardó, L., & Gyalog, G. (2021). Nutritional and economic benefits of using DDGS (distiller’dried grains soluble) as feed ingredient in common carp semi-intensive pond culture. Aquaculture Reports, 21, 100819. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2021.100819

Sándor, Z. J., Révész, N., Lefler, K. K., Čolović, R., Banjac, V., & Kumar, S. (2021). Potential of corn distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) in the diet of European catfish (Silurus glanis). Aquaculture Reports, 20, 100653. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2021.100653


Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition & Aquaculture
Long-term effect of changes in feed formulation have been investigated on common carp in pond culture in respect of growth performance, health, reproduction and product quality. The main output of the project elucidated the role of different dietary fats in carp feeding in case of different aged fish or all life cycle. Connection could be found with the new proposal on feed formulation used for supplementary feeding in pond system.https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/288925

Efficient production of new freshwater microalga strains with preventive immunostimulant action and their utilization in intensive aquaculture farming entifying microalgal cultures from Hungarian freshwater sources as potential immunstimulants in aquafeeds
Dietary inclusion of some new strains of freshwater algae have been tested on juveniles of common carp, rainbow trout and sturgeon species. The algae enriched feed improved the meat quality of the fish fillet without boosting the immune system and compromising the growth and nutrient utilization. https://palyazatok.uni-mate.hu/ginop-2.3.2-15-2016-00058

Protein feed program for the qualitative and quantitative development of Hungarian agriculture and forstrengthening the well-being of society
Utilization of corn distiller's dried grains with soluble (DDGS) and different insect meals have been investigated for African catfish. 20% DDGS inclusion level was set as the maximum inclusion level for adult fish without compromising the growth performance, hovewer the meat quality traits were improved following the higher inclusion level. Based on the results on digestibility of diets and growth performance of fish, the black soldier fly meal was recommended for fish meal replacement in feeds for African catfish. 

The examination of the accumulation characteristics of medicines and their derivatives in Körös ecosystem
The project investigated the presence of pharmaceuticals in the Hungarian and Romanian sections of Körös Rivers, thus its results contributed to the expansion of knowledge, and provided useful information for both countries.

Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakabné Sándor
Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety
Campus address: H-5540 Szarvas, Anna-liget str. 35.

MTMT: 10002490
Scopus: 7006006558