
Adrienn Varga-Tóth is a researcher specializing in the field of food science and technology. Her scientific work encompasses three primary areas: livestock product technologies, egg processing technologies, and the development of dairy alternatives. Given the increasing significance of alternative nutritional diets, her current research is focused on the development and evaluation of dairy alternatives derived from livestock sources. In addition, she oversees the coordination of a research project dedicated to the development and investigation of egg-based food products, tailored to specific age groups and health conditions.

Research keywords:
development and investigation of egg products, development of dairy alternatives, minimal processing technologies, investigation of livestock products and technologies


Development and investigation of dairy alternatives

Varga-Tóth, A., Németh, C., Dalmadi, I., Csurka, T., Csorba, R., Elayan, M., ... & Friedrich, L. F. (2023). Investigation of the effects of bovine collagen peptides and mixed berries on rheological properties and biological activity of egg white-based beverage via central composite design. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 1011553. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.1011553

Investigation of livestock products' technologies

Enkhbold, M., Lőrincz, A., Elayan, M., Friedrich, L., Barkó, A., Csurka, T., Boros, A., Hitka, G., & Varga-Tóth, A. (2024). Effects of Lactic Acid and Ascorbic Acid Mixture on Quality Properties of Wild Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) Meat. Applied Sciences, 14(19), 8915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14198915

Csurka, T., Varga-Tóth, A., Kühn, D., Hitka, G., Badak-Kerti, K., Alpár, B., ... & Pásztor-Huszár, K. (2022). Comparison of techno-functional and sensory properties of sponge cakes made with egg powder and different quality of powdered blood products for substituting egg allergen and developing functional food. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 979594. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.979594

Development and investigation of egg products

Elayan, M., Németh, C., Enkhbold, M., Friedrich, L., Dalmadi, I., & Varga-Tóth, A. (2025). Effects of Supplementation of Different Proteins on the Rheological Properties of Liquid Whole Eggs. Applied Sciences, 15(3), 1660. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15031660


2023-1.1.1-PIACI_FÓKUSZ-2024-00035 Kor- és állapotspecifikus funkcionális élelmiszerek fejlesztése az „active ageing”-re fókuszálva / Development of age- and condition-specific functional foods with a focus on active ageing
The link between nutrition and health is becoming increasingly important in Hungarian and European society. According to recent international research, 46% of our health is due to our diet. Protein intake, the intake of amino acids in the right quantity and quality for the age group, plays a key role in this. In addition, there is an increasing incidence of protein allergy and lactose intolerance when consuming nutritionally important dairy products. Lactose and whey protein in dairy products have been shown to cause intolerance and allergy symptoms in most cases, and a wide range of consumers are looking for dairy substitutes free of these.Eggs are a complete source of protein and are therefore the basis of a balanced and age-specific diet.In this project, new egg white-based products are developed and investigated with biological and nutritional properties that meet specific consumer needs with a higher biological value. The products to be researched in this project will offer consumers a beneficial nutritional composition beyond lactose and milk protein, according to age specificities. Therefore, it is considered important to increase the biological value and to optimize the amount and ratio of digestible and utilizable essential amino acids for better protein utilization. This will ensure an improvement in the body's regenerative capacity, an improvement in the condition of the 40% of the vascular network in the connective tissue, and a faster regeneration and elimination of micro-tears and micro-inflammations in connective tissue and muscle tissue. This is particularly true for individuals with high physical workloads, athletes and the elderly, which not only improves physical performance but also prolongs the active life of the elderly, a priority for a developed but ageing society.In addition, the development of excellent organoleptic properties is essential for the development of a marketable product. Younger consumers often have different preferences than older consumers (e.g., color, intensity of sweetness, type of flavoring), so we would like to develop products with different composition and sensory properties compared to the ToTu products we have already developed, in a consortium between Capriovus Ltd. and the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences of Semmelweis University.Capriovus Ltd. will provide the research background and infrastructure to develop the products to be developed along the above-mentioned requirements. Several researchers at the company with PhD degrees provide the scientific background for basic research, while for industrial development we can draw on the industrial experience of our undergraduate and master's graduates. Product development for the identified target consumer groups represents an excellent opportunity for Capriovus Ltd. to expand its product range and increase its market (retail) presence in the domestic market.

Adrienn Vargáné Tóth
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10049856
Scopus: 57894969300