
Dr. András Szabó is specialized in analyzing lipids and their long-chain fatty acids using techniques like thin layer chromatography, column chromatography, and gas chromatography. His work, primarily focused on vertebrate farm and wild animals, utilizes lipid profile analysis as a versatile tool for characterizing various physiological and metabolic statuses. The methodology has also proven successful in applications related to food, feed, and food raw materials, showcasing his commitment to advancing lipid analysis research across diverse domains.


Research keywords:
mycotoxins, ai, lipids, fatty acids, clinical chemistry, oxidative stress



RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00007 Nemzeti Laboratóriumok létrehozása és komplex fejlesztése

Agrár-biotechnológia és precíziós nemesítés az élelmiszer-biztonságért

The main objective of the project is for agricultural research to provide scientifically based answers to the complex challenges in agriculture. The project includes the main elements of the agricultural ecosystem, the microbe-plant-animal relationship system, with the WHO "One Health approach" food safety as a common goal.



Prof. Dr. András Szabó
Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Campus address: H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor str. 40.

MTMT: 10000709
Scopus: 56808754600