
Menu Display


Last modified: 03. October 2024

Items may be renewed if

  • the document is not placed on hold,
  • the Patron owes the Library nothing or less than 2500,- HUF.

Item renewals can be made:

  • personally at the Circulation Desk (with valid Library Card)
  • by phone: 0628-522-000/1173 or +36-30-497-3593 (have your Library Card at hand)
  • through e-mail: (Library Card number must be given)
  • through our online  catalogue
  • using the Qulto ecard app

Accessing the catalogue
Login info:

  • Barcode: the number on your Library Card (starting with the number 0)
  • ​​​​​​​Password: the last 6 digits of the Patron's birth date (YYMMDD) (it may be changed after first access)
  • Access the account and click on „Checkouts”.

Reminder messages
Two calendar days before the due date, a reminder e-mail will be sent with information regarding the expiring document(s) and renewal options.
Late warnings
If the document return date expires, the library system sends late warnings on 2, 5,  and 10, respectively 30, and 90 days after the due date to the e-mail address given at registration.